- リアルタイムシステムの研究歴12年.
- 東大教員の時に,英語でOS(Linuxカーネル)の授業.
- 2012年9月~2013年8月にアメリカのノースカロライナ大学チャペルヒル校(UNC)コンピュータサイエンス学部で客員研究員として勤務.C言語でリアルタイムLinuxの研究開発.
- プログラミング歴15年以上,習得している言語: C/C++,Python,Solidity/Vyper,Java,Ruby,Go,Rust,D,HTML/CSS/JS/PHP,MATLAB,Verse(UEFN), Assembler (x64,aarch64).
- 東大教員の時に,C++言語で開発した「LLVMコンパイラの拡張」,C言語で開発した独自のリアルタイムOS「Mcube Kernel」をGitHubにオープンソースとして公開.
- 2020年1月~現在はアメリカのノースカロライナ州チャペルヒルにあるGuarantee Happiness LLCのCTOとしてECサイト開発やWeb/SNSマーケティングの業務.2022年6月~現在はアメリカのノースカロライナ州チャペルヒルにあるJapanese Tar Heel, Inc.のCEO兼CTO.
- 最近は自然言語処理AIとイーサリアムに関する有益な情報発信に従事.
- (AI全般を含む)自然言語処理AIの論文の日本語訳や,AIチャットボット(ChatGPT,Auto-GPT,Gemini(旧Bard)など)の記事を50本以上執筆.アメリカのサンフランシスコ(広義のシリコンバレー)の会社でプロンプトエンジニア・マネージャー・Quality Assurance(QA)の業務委託の経験あり.
- (スマートコントラクトのプログラミングを含む)イーサリアムや仮想通貨全般の記事を200本以上執筆.イギリスのロンドンの会社で仮想通貨の英語の記事を日本語に翻訳する業務委託の経験あり.
キューとは,データを先入れ先出し(First In First Out)で保持するデータ構造です.
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/* * Author: Hiroyuki Chishiro * License: 2-Clause BSD */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #define QUEUE_SIZE 128 struct queue { int data[QUEUE_SIZE]; size_t index; size_t num; }; void init(struct queue *q) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < QUEUE_SIZE; i++) { q->data[i] = 0; } q->index = q->num = 0; } void print(struct queue *q) { size_t i; printf("print(): "); for (i = q->index; i < q->index + q->num; i++) { printf("%d ", q->data[i % QUEUE_SIZE]); } printf("\n"); } void increment(struct queue *q) { q->index++; if (q->index == QUEUE_SIZE) { q->index = 0; } } bool enqueue(struct queue *q, int data) { if (q->num >= QUEUE_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: queue is full.\n"); return false; } q->data[(q->index + q->num) % QUEUE_SIZE] = data; q->num++; return true; } bool dequeue(struct queue *q, int *data) { if (q->num == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: queue is empty.\n"); return false; } *data = q->data[q->index % QUEUE_SIZE]; increment(q); q->num--; return true; } void clear(struct queue *q) { init(q); } int main(void) { struct queue queue; size_t i; int data; init(&queue); for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { enqueue(&queue, i); print(&queue); } for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { if (dequeue(&queue, &data)) { printf("data = %d\n", data); } print(&queue); } clear(&queue); print(&queue); return 0; } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
$ gcc queue.c $ a.out print(): 1 print(): 1 2 print(): 1 2 3 print(): 1 2 3 4 print(): 1 2 3 4 5 data = 1 print(): 2 3 4 5 data = 2 print(): 3 4 5 data = 3 print(): 4 5 print(): |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 |
/* * Author: Hiroyuki Chishiro * License: 2-Clause BSD */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <limits.h> #define QUEUE_SIZE 128 struct queue { int data[QUEUE_SIZE]; size_t num; }; void init(struct queue *q) { int i; for (i = 0; i < QUEUE_SIZE; i++) { q->data[i] = INT_MAX; } q->num = 0; } void print(struct queue *q) { int i; printf("print(): "); for (i = 0; i < q->num; i++) { printf("%d ", q->data[i]); } printf("\n"); } bool enqueue(struct queue *q, int data) { int i; if (q->num >= QUEUE_SIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: queue is full.\n"); return false; } for (i = q->num - 1; i >= 0 && data < q->data[i]; i--) { q->data[i + 1] = q->data[i]; } q->data[i + 1] = data; q->num++; return true; } int dequeue(struct queue *q, int *data) { int i; if (q->num == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: queue is empty.\n"); return false; } *data = q->data[0]; for (i = 0; i < q->num; i++) { q->data[i] = q->data[i + 1]; } q->num--; return true; } void clear(struct queue *q) { init(q); } int main(void) { struct queue queue; int data; init(&queue); enqueue(&queue, 2); enqueue(&queue, 3); enqueue(&queue, 1); print(&queue); if (dequeue(&queue, &data)) { printf("data = %d\n", data); } print(&queue); clear(&queue); print(&queue); return 0; } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
$ gcc priority_queue.c $ a.out print(): 1 2 3 data = 1 print(): 2 3 print(): |
- 二分ヒープとよく似たデータ構造であるが,二項ヒープは2つのヒープを素早くマージする操作をサポート
- 特殊な木構造「二項木」を利用して実現
- マージ可能な抽象データ型ヒープの実装
- enqueue_bheap_queue関数:二項ヒープにノードをエンキュー
- dequeue_bheap_queue関数:二項ヒープからノードをデキュー
- pick_next_value関数:二項ヒープから最高優先度ノードの値(struct value型)を取得
- print_bheap関数:二項ヒープのノードを表示
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/* * Author: Hiroyuki Chishiro * License: 2-Clause BSD */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <limits.h> #define QUEUE_SIZE 128 #define NOT_IN_BHEAP ULONG_MAX #ifdef PDEBUG #define PDEBUG(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ## args) #else #define PDEBUG(fmt, args...) #endif struct value { unsigned long id; unsigned long priority; int value; struct bheap_node *node; }; struct bheap_node { unsigned long node_id; struct bheap_node *parent; struct bheap_node *next; struct bheap_node *child; unsigned long degree; struct value *value; }; struct bheap_queue { unsigned long id; struct bheap_node *head; struct bheap_node *min; }; void print_bheap(struct bheap_queue *bq, struct bheap_node *h) { static int nr_tabs = 0; int i; if (!h) { printf("NULL\n"); for (i = 0; i < nr_tabs; i++) { printf("\t"); } return; } printf("node_id(%lu)id(%lu)deg(%lu)->", h->node_id, h->value->id, h->degree); nr_tabs++; print_bheap(bq, h->child); nr_tabs--; print_bheap(bq, h->next); } bool empty_bheap(struct bheap_queue *bq) { return !(bq->head) && !(bq->min); } bool is_higher_priority(struct value *a, struct value *b) { /* Smaller priority has higher priority. * In the tie-breaking rule, smaller id has higher priority. */ return a->priority < b->priority || ((a->priority == b->priority) && (a->id < b->id)); } void link_bheap(struct bheap_node *root, struct bheap_node *child) { child->parent = root; child->next = root->child; root->child = child; root->degree++; } struct bheap_node *merge_bheap(struct bheap_node *p, struct bheap_node *q) { struct bheap_node *head = NULL; struct bheap_node **pos = &head; while (p && q) { if (p->degree < q->degree) { *pos = p; p = p->next; } else { *pos = q; q = q->next; } pos = &(*pos)->next; } if (p) { *pos = p; } else { *pos = q; } return head; } struct bheap_node *reverse_bheap(struct bheap_node *h) { struct bheap_node *tail = NULL; struct bheap_node *next; if (!h) { return h; } h->parent = NULL; while (h->next) { next = h->next; h->next = tail; tail = h; h = next; h->parent = NULL; } h->next = tail; return h; } void min_bheap(struct bheap_queue *bq, struct bheap_node **prev, struct bheap_node **node) { struct bheap_node *_prev, *cur; *prev = NULL; if (!bq->head) { *node = NULL; return; } *node = bq->head; _prev = bq->head; cur = bq->head->next; while (cur) { PDEBUG("min_bheap(): cur->value->id = %lu (*node)->value->id = %lu\n", cur->value->id, (*node)->value->id); if (is_higher_priority(cur->value, (*node)->value)) { *node = cur; *prev = _prev; } _prev = cur; cur = cur->next; } } void union_bheap(struct bheap_queue *bq, struct bheap_node *h2) { struct bheap_node *h1; struct bheap_node *prev, *x, *next; if (!h2) { return; } h1 = bq->head; if (!h1) { bq->head = h2; return; } h1 = merge_bheap(h1, h2); prev = NULL; x = h1; next = x->next; while (next) { if ((x->degree != next->degree) || (next->next && (next->next->degree == x->degree))) { /* nothing to do, advance. */ prev = x; x = next; } else if (is_higher_priority(x->value, next->value)) { /* x becomes the root of next. */ PDEBUG("union_bheap(): x->value->id = %lu priority = %lu becomes the root of next.\n", x->value->id, x->value->priority); PDEBUG("union_bheap(): next->value->id = %lu priority = %lu\n", next->value->id, next->value->priority); x->next = next->next; link_bheap(x, next); } else { /* next becomes the root of x. */ if (prev) { prev->next = next; } else { h1 = next; } link_bheap(next, x); x = next; } next = x->next; } bq->head = h1; } struct bheap_node *min_bheap_extract(struct bheap_queue *bq) { struct bheap_node *prev, *node; min_bheap(bq, &prev, &node); if (!node) { return NULL; } if (prev) { prev->next = node->next; } else { bq->head = node->next; } union_bheap(bq, reverse_bheap(node->child)); return node; } void insert_bheap(struct bheap_queue *bq, struct bheap_node *node) { struct bheap_node *min; PDEBUG("insert_bheap(): node = %lx node->value->id = %lu\n", (unsigned long) node, node->value->id); node->child = NULL; node->parent = NULL; node->next = NULL; node->degree = 0; if (bq->min && is_higher_priority(node->value, bq->min->value)) { /* swap min cache */ min = bq->min; min->child = NULL; min->parent = NULL; min->next = NULL; min->degree = 0; union_bheap(bq, min); bq->min = node; } else { union_bheap(bq, node); } } void min_bheap_uncache(struct bheap_queue *bq) { struct bheap_node *min; if (bq->min) { min = bq->min; bq->min = NULL; insert_bheap(bq, min); } } /* merge addition into target */ void union_bheap_uncache(struct bheap_queue *target, struct bheap_queue *addition) { /* first insert any cached minima, if necessary */ min_bheap_uncache(target); min_bheap_uncache(addition); union_bheap(target, addition->head); /* this is a destructive merge */ addition->head = NULL; } void decrease_bheap(struct bheap_queue *bq, struct bheap_node *node) { struct bheap_node *parent; void *tmp; unsigned long node_id; if (!node) { return; } if (bq->min != node) { /* bubble up */ parent = node->parent; while (parent && is_higher_priority(node->value, parent->value)) { /* swap parent and node */ tmp = parent->value; node_id = parent->node_id; parent->value = node->value; parent->node_id = node->node_id; node->value = (struct value *) tmp; node->node_id = node_id; /* swap value->node */ tmp = node->value->node; node->value->node = parent->value->node; parent->value->node = (struct bheap_node *) tmp; /* step up */ node = parent; parent = node->parent; } } } void delete_bheap(struct bheap_queue *bq, struct bheap_node *node) { struct bheap_node *parent, *prev, *pos; void *tmp; unsigned long node_id; if (!node) { return; } PDEBUG("delete_bheap(): node->id = %lu\n", node->node_id); if (bq->min != node) { /* bubble up */ parent = node->parent; while (parent) { /* swap parent and node */ tmp = parent->value; node_id = parent->node_id; parent->value = node->value; parent->node_id = node->node_id; node->value = (struct value *) tmp; node->node_id = node_id; /* swap value->node */ tmp = node->value->node; node->value->node = parent->value->node; parent->value->node = (struct bheap_node *) tmp; /* step up */ node = parent; parent = node->parent; } /* now delete: * first find prev */ prev = NULL; pos = bq->head; while (pos != node) { prev = pos; pos = pos->next; } /* we have prev, now remove node */ if (prev) { prev->next = node->next; } else { bq->head = node->next; } union_bheap(bq, reverse_bheap(node->child)); } else { bq->min = NULL; } node->degree = NOT_IN_BHEAP; } void enqueue_bheap_queue(struct bheap_queue *bq, struct value *value_node) { insert_bheap(bq, value_node->node); } void dequeue_bheap_queue(struct bheap_queue *bq, struct value *value_node) { delete_bheap(bq, value_node->node); } struct value *pick_next_value(struct bheap_queue *bh_queue) { struct value *value_node = NULL; struct bheap_node *bn; if (!empty_bheap(bh_queue)) { struct bheap_node *prev; min_bheap(bh_queue, &prev, &bn); value_node = bn->value; } return value_node; } void init_bheap_node(struct bheap_node *h, struct value *value_node) { h->parent = NULL; h->next = NULL; h->child = NULL; h->degree = NOT_IN_BHEAP; h->value = value_node; h->node_id = value_node->id; } void init_value_node(struct value *value_node, unsigned long id, struct bheap_node *h) { value_node->id = id; value_node->priority = id; value_node->value = id; value_node->node = h; } void init_bheap(struct bheap_queue *bh_queue, struct bheap_node bh_nodes[QUEUE_SIZE], struct value value_nodes[QUEUE_SIZE]) { int i; bh_queue->head = bh_queue->min = NULL; for (i = 0; i < QUEUE_SIZE; i++) { init_value_node(&value_nodes[i], i + 1, &bh_nodes[i]); init_bheap_node(&bh_nodes[i], &value_nodes[i]); value_nodes[i].node = &bh_nodes[i]; } } int main(void) { struct bheap_queue bh_queue; struct bheap_node bh_nodes[QUEUE_SIZE]; struct value value_nodes[QUEUE_SIZE]; struct value *value; init_bheap(&bh_queue, bh_nodes, value_nodes); printf("print_bheap():\n"); print_bheap(&bh_queue, bh_queue.head); enqueue_bheap_queue(&bh_queue, &value_nodes[0]); printf("print_bheap():\n"); print_bheap(&bh_queue, bh_queue.head); enqueue_bheap_queue(&bh_queue, &value_nodes[2]); printf("print_bheap():\n"); print_bheap(&bh_queue, bh_queue.head); enqueue_bheap_queue(&bh_queue, &value_nodes[1]); printf("print_bheap():\n"); print_bheap(&bh_queue, bh_queue.head); dequeue_bheap_queue(&bh_queue, &value_nodes[2]); printf("print_bheap():\n"); print_bheap(&bh_queue, bh_queue.head); value = pick_next_value(&bh_queue); printf("pick_next_value(): value->id = %lu\n", value->id); printf("print_bheap():\n"); print_bheap(&bh_queue, bh_queue.head); return 0; } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |
$ gcc bheap.c $ a.out print_bheap(): NULL print_bheap(): node_id(1)id(1)deg(0)->NULL NULL print_bheap(): node_id(1)id(1)deg(1)->node_id(3)id(3)deg(0)->NULL NULL NULL print_bheap(): node_id(2)id(2)deg(0)->NULL node_id(1)id(1)deg(1)->node_id(3)id(3)deg(0)->NULL NULL NULL print_bheap(): node_id(1)id(1)deg(1)->node_id(2)id(2)deg(0)->NULL NULL NULL pick_next_value(): value->id = 1 print_bheap(): node_id(1)id(1)deg(1)->node_id(2)id(2)deg(0)->NULL NULL NULL |
- あるノードの右部分木に含まれるノードの値以下
- あるノードの左部分木に含まれるノードの値以上
赤黒木の特徴は,探索,挿入,削除などの操作における最悪時間計算量が\(\mathcal{O}(\log n)\)と短いことです.
赤黒木は,Linuxカーネルのスケジューラ「Completely Fair Scheduler(CFS)」で利用されています.
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/* * Author: Hiroyuki Chishiro * License: 2-Clause BSD */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> enum rbcolor { BLACK, RED }; struct node { int data; struct node *parent; struct node *left; struct node *right; enum rbcolor color; }; struct rbtree { struct node *root; struct node *tnull; }; #define BUFSIZE 1024 struct node *search_tree_rec(struct rbtree *rtree, struct node *node, int key) { if (node == rtree->tnull || key == node->data) { return node; } if (key < node->data) { return search_tree_rec(rtree, node->left, key); } return search_tree_rec(rtree, node->right, key); } struct node *search_tree(struct rbtree *rtree, int k) { return search_tree_rec(rtree, rtree->root, k); } void left_rotate(struct rbtree *rtree, struct node *x) { struct node *y = x->right; x->right = y->left; if (y->left != rtree->tnull) { y->left->parent = x; } y->parent = x->parent; if (x->parent == NULL) { rtree->root = y; } else if (x == x->parent->left) { x->parent->left = y; } else { x->parent->right = y; } y->left = x; x->parent = y; } void right_rotate(struct rbtree *rtree, struct node *x) { struct node *y = x->left; x->left = y->right; if (y->right != rtree->tnull) { y->right->parent = x; } y->parent = x->parent; if (x->parent == NULL) { rtree->root = y; } else if (x == x->parent->right) { x->parent->right = y; } else { x->parent->left = y; } y->right = x; x->parent = y; } void fix_delete(struct rbtree *rtree, struct node *x) { struct node *s; while (x != rtree->root && x->color == BLACK) { if (x == x->parent->left) { s = x->parent->right; if (s->color == RED) { s->color = BLACK; x->parent->color = RED; left_rotate(rtree, x->parent); s = x->parent->right; } if (s->left->color == BLACK && s->right->color == BLACK) { s->color = RED; x = x->parent; } else { if (s->right->color == BLACK) { s->left->color = BLACK; s->color = RED; right_rotate(rtree, s); s = x->parent->right; } s->color = x->parent->color; x->parent->color = BLACK; s->right->color = BLACK; left_rotate(rtree, x->parent); x = rtree->root; } } else { s = x->parent->left; if (s->color == RED) { s->color = BLACK; x->parent->color = RED; right_rotate(rtree, x->parent); s = x->parent->left; } if (s->right->color == BLACK && s->right->color == BLACK) { s->color = RED; x = x->parent; } else { if (s->left->color == BLACK) { s->right->color = BLACK; s->color = RED; left_rotate(rtree, s); s = x->parent->left; } s->color = x->parent->color; x->parent->color = BLACK; s->left->color = BLACK; right_rotate(rtree, x->parent); x = rtree->root; } } } x->color = BLACK; } void rb_transplant(struct rbtree *rtree, struct node *u, struct node *v) { if (u->parent == NULL) { rtree->root = v; } else if (u == u->parent->left) { u->parent->left = v; } else { u->parent->right = v; } v->parent = u->parent; } struct node *get_node_with_minimum_key(struct rbtree *rtree, struct node *node) { while (node->left != rtree->tnull) { node = node->left; } return node; } struct node *get_node_with_maximum_key(struct rbtree *rtree, struct node *node) { while (node->right != rtree->tnull) { node = node->right; } return node; } void delete_node_rec(struct rbtree *rtree, struct node *node, int key) { struct node *z = rtree->tnull; struct node *x, *y; int y_original_color; while (node != rtree->tnull) { if (node->data == key) { z = node; } if (node->data <= key) { node = node->right; } else { node = node->left; } } if (z == rtree->tnull) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot find key %d in the tree\n", key); return; } y = z; y_original_color = y->color; if (z->left == rtree->tnull) { x = z->right; rb_transplant(rtree, z, z->right); } else if (z->right == rtree->tnull) { x = z->left; rb_transplant(rtree, z, z->left); } else { y = get_node_with_minimum_key(rtree, z->right); y_original_color = y->color; x = y->right; if (y->parent == z) { x->parent = y; } else { rb_transplant(rtree, y, y->right); y->right = z->right; y->right->parent = y; } rb_transplant(rtree, z, y); y->left = z->left; y->left->parent = y; y->color = z->color; } free(z); if (y_original_color == BLACK) { fix_delete(rtree, x); } } void delete_node(struct rbtree *rtree, int data) { delete_node_rec(rtree, rtree->root, data); } void fix_insert(struct rbtree *rtree, struct node *k) { struct node *u; while (k->parent->color == RED) { if (k->parent == k->parent->parent->right) { u = k->parent->parent->left; if (u->color == RED) { u->color = BLACK; k->parent->color = BLACK; k->parent->parent->color = RED; k = k->parent->parent; } else { if (k == k->parent->left) { k = k->parent; right_rotate(rtree, k); } k->parent->color = BLACK; k->parent->parent->color = RED; left_rotate(rtree, k->parent->parent); } } else { u = k->parent->parent->right; if (u->color == RED) { u->color = BLACK; k->parent->color = BLACK; k->parent->parent->color = RED; k = k->parent->parent; } else { if (k == k->parent->right) { k = k->parent; left_rotate(rtree, k); } k->parent->color = BLACK; k->parent->parent->color = RED; right_rotate(rtree, k->parent->parent); } } if (k == rtree->root) { break; } } rtree->root->color = BLACK; } void insert(struct rbtree *rtree, int key) { struct node *node, *x, *y; if ((node = malloc(sizeof(struct node))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannote allocate memory %zu bytes\n", sizeof(struct node)); exit(1); } node->parent = NULL; node->data = key; node->left = rtree->tnull; node->right = rtree->tnull; node->color = RED; x = rtree->root; y = NULL; while (x != rtree->tnull) { y = x; if (node->data < x->data) { x = x->left; } else { x = x->right; } } node->parent = y; if (y == NULL) { rtree->root = node; } else if (node->data < y->data) { y->left = node; } else { y->right = node; } if (node->parent == NULL) { node->color = BLACK; return; } if (node->parent->parent == NULL) { return; } fix_insert(rtree, node); } void print_rbtree_rec(struct rbtree *rtree, struct node *root, char *indent, bool last) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *color_str; strcpy(buf, indent); if (root != rtree->tnull) { printf("%s", buf); if (last) { printf("R--"); strcat(buf, " "); } else { printf("L--"); strcat(buf, "| "); } color_str = root->color ? "RED" : "BLACK"; printf("%d(%s)\n", root->data, color_str); print_rbtree_rec(rtree, root->left, buf, false); print_rbtree_rec(rtree, root->right, buf, true); } } void print_rbtree(struct rbtree *rtree) { if (rtree->root) { print_rbtree_rec(rtree, rtree->root, "", true); } } void init_rbtree(struct rbtree *rtree) { if ((rtree->tnull = malloc(sizeof(struct node))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannote allocate memory %zu bytes\n", sizeof(struct node)); exit(1); } rtree->tnull->color = BLACK; rtree->tnull->left = NULL; rtree->tnull->right = NULL; rtree->root = rtree->tnull; } void exit_rbtree(struct rbtree *rtree) { while (rtree->root != rtree->tnull) { delete_node(rtree, rtree->root->data); } free(rtree->root); } int main(void) { struct rbtree rtree; int key = 25; init_rbtree(&rtree); insert(&rtree, 11); insert(&rtree, 18); insert(&rtree, 5); insert(&rtree, 15); insert(&rtree, 17); insert(&rtree, 25); insert(&rtree, 44); insert(&rtree, 88); print_rbtree(&rtree); if (search_tree(&rtree, key) == NULL) { printf("key %d is not found\n", key); } else { printf("key %d is found\n", key); delete_node(&rtree, key); } print_rbtree(&rtree); exit_rbtree(&rtree); return 0; } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
$ gcc red_black_tree.c $ a.out R--17(BLACK) L--11(RED) | L--5(BLACK) | R--15(BLACK) R--25(RED) L--18(BLACK) R--44(BLACK) R--88(RED) key 25 is found R--17(BLACK) L--11(RED) | L--5(BLACK) | R--15(BLACK) R--44(RED) L--18(BLACK) R--88(BLACK) |