今回は,私がCTOとして働いているGuarantee Happiness LLCの独自製品「Tee Skirt Dress」の誕生秘話を紹介します.
Tee Skirt Dressの製品の詳細はこちらになります.
Guarantee Happiness LLCと独自製品Tee Skirt Dressの紹介
今回は,私がCTOとして働いている米国ノースカロライナ州チャペルヒルにあるGuarantee Happiness LLCと独自製品「Tee Skirt Dress」を紹介します. Guarantee ...
Guarantee Happiness LLCのCEOのマリアンジェラ・ウォーカーさんが発明したTee Skirt Dressの誕生秘話と,その日本語訳を私が作成しました.
Birth Story of Tee Skirt Dresses
Tee Skirt Dressの誕生秘話
How the Tee Skirt Dress came to be
どのようにしてTee Skirt Dressが生まれたのか
For three years in a row, when I would drive to the beach, which took about three hours, each time I got there I would be sick.3年連続で,車で3時間くらいドライブして海に行くと,そのたびに体調を崩していました.
I had to call the G.I. Medicine doctor and get on prednisone because I was overheating and my gut was inflamed.
熱を出しすぎて腸が炎症を起こしていたので,G. I. Medicineの医者に電話してプレドニゾン(免疫抑制作用を持つ合成副腎皮質ホルモン剤)を処方してもらいました.
I couldn’t figure out what was going on, because I had stayed hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and not gone off of my special diet (I have Ulcerative Colitis, a condition that causes the gut to react to certain foods and basically get inflammation and irritation and attack itself).
Anyway, as I was trying to figure out what had caused the U.C. flare up just by driving to the beach, my mother’s words (from when I was a teen) came to mind.
“Mariangela, never wear polyester, it overheats the body.”
That was it! I had on the same grab-and-go dress that I wore each time on the drive to the beach!
It was a really cute, simple dress from a popular women’s store. It was 100% polyester!
I hurriedly took the off the dress and started feeling better instantly.慌ててドレスを脱ぐと,すぐに気分が良くなってきました.
But then when I looked through my clothing I couldn’t find anything that was made with natural fibers.
All of those cute (and expensive!) boutique dresses had blends of polyester or other materials like it.
The only thing I could think of wearing was a tee shirt.着るものといえばTシャツくらいしか思い浮かばなかったのです.
But even then, you have to layer on pants or skirts or shorts, with zippers, snaps, elastic waistbands or drawstrings.しかし,そうはいっても,ジッパーやスナップ,ウエストバンドや引きひも等の伸縮性のあるパンツ,スカート,ショートパンツを重ね着しなければなりません.
And so I didn’t know what to do.だから,どうしたらいいかわからなかったのです.
I basically wore tee shirts and underwear around the house for three days until the idea came to me in my sleep in the middle of the night.夜中に寝ている間に思いつくまでの3日間,基本的に家の中ではTシャツと下着を着回していました.
I woke up, drew a picture of it on the paper on my nightstand, and went back to sleep.目が覚めて,ナイトスタンドの上の紙に絵を描いて,また寝ました.
Next morning, I woke up, saw the drawing, and remembered the concept.翌朝,目が覚めて,絵を見て,コンセプトを思い出しました.
Add soft skirts to tee shirts to make a cute dress! One which could let my body breathe!Tシャツにスカートを縫い付けて作ったキュートなドレス「Tee Skirt Dress」は,私の体を蘇らせます.
The first one was made using a friend’s sewing machine.最初は友人のミシンを使って作りました.
She wanted one too. I wore my newly made dress home, happy as could be with the sheer comfort of this new and playful garment.彼女(友人)も欲しがっていました.私は新しく作ったTee Skirt Dressを家で着て,この新しくて遊び心のある服の着心地の良さに幸せを感じました.
My brother-in-law was visiting. He’s a Southern gentleman who does not throw his words around. He looked at me and said, “cute dress!”義兄が訪ねてきました.アメリカ南部出身の紳士で言葉を投げつけない人なので,私を見て「かわいいドレスだね!」と言ってくれました.
I smiled and said, “Thanks. Just made it.”私は笑顔で「ありがとう.作ったばかりなのに」と言いました.
He said, “ I believe you could sell those!”彼は「それは売れると思うよ!」と言いました.
At the time, I was very much enjoying teaching a three generation (grandmother, her daughter, and two grand children) art camp for oil painting classes, kinda just thanked him for the compliments and laughed it off.当時,私は三世代(祖母,娘,孫二人)のアートキャンプで油絵教室を教えていてとても楽しかったのですが,ちょっとしたお褒めの言葉に感謝して笑い飛ばしてしまいました.
But then I saw my neighbor wearing the Tee Skirt Dress I’d made for her, three days in a row walking her dog in the morning.しかし,私が彼女のために作ったTee Skirt Dressを着て,3日連続で朝から犬の散歩をしているのを見ました.
She’s pretty well off so I knew it wasn’t because she had nothing else to wear.彼女はかなり裕福だから,他に着るものがないからじゃないと思いました.
Then her 30-year-old daughter wanted one, so I happily made one for her too.そうしたら30歳の娘が欲しがっていたので,喜んで娘にも作ってあげました.
And then every time she saw me she went on and on about how she loved it so much, wore it all the time, got compliments on it, and I really thought I should take them to market.それから彼女は私を見るたびに,とても気に入っていて,いつも着ていて,褒めてくれたので,本当に市場に持っていくべきだと思いました.
I made one for her daughter, 11 years old, and she wore it to the pool.11歳の娘のために作ったのですが,プールに着て行ってくれました.
All of her friends were asking where they could get one.彼女の友人は皆,どこで買えるのかと聞いてきました.
After a few weeks of her relentlessly encouraging me, I made a bunch and did a test market.彼女が執拗に私を励ましてくれた数週間後,私は束を作ってテストマーケットをしました.
The first person up to the table at our booth was actually a man! He said he’d like these made for his bar on Martha’s Vineyard.私たちのブースに来た1人目の方は男性でした!彼はマーサ・ヴィンヤードの彼のバーのためにこれを作ってほしいと言いました.
The second person to my booth that first day was a woman who said she was the “Incidental Baker” who had gotten her line of specialty baked crackers into Whole Foods, and said they would probably love to sell these comfortable, attractive and distinctive dresses, would like me to help making connections.初日に私のブースに来た2人目の方は女性で,彼女はホールフーズ・マーケット(食料品スーパーマーケット)に専門の焼きクラッカーの生産ラインを持つパン屋です.
彼ら(ホールフーズ・マーケット)はおそらく,これらの快適で魅力的で個性的なTee Skirt Dressを販売するのが大好きで,私にコネを作るのを手伝うとのことです.
The same day, our first day on the market, a woman came walking up all wet, with her boyfriend. “I’m so glad someone is selling clothing here today, she said, “I got soaking wet from canoeing on the river!”同じ日のマーケットに出店した初日,一人の女性が彼氏と一緒にずぶ濡れになって歩いてきて,「今日はここで服を売っている人がいて嬉しいわ.川でカヌーをしていてびしょ濡れになったのよ!」と言いました.
Meanwhile her boyfriend was looking through the dresses already. “Try this on, try that one too….”.
その間,彼氏はすでにTee Skirt Dressに目を通して,「これを着てみて,あれも着てみて….」と言いました.
She chose one, purchased it, then got changed into it.彼女はTee Skirt Dressを1つ選んで購入し,それに着替えました.
About 45 minutes later she came running back to my booth. I was pretty sure she was going to have me call for emergency services, saying something like a heart attack or bee sting allergy. “What’s wrong?!”約45分後,彼女は私のブースに走って戻ってきました.心臓発作とか蜂に刺されたアレルギーとか言って救急車を呼ぶのかと思いました.「どうしたの?」
“The dress is so comfortable I couldn’t barely listen to the music,” she said, “All I kept thinking was get back there and get another one before they close their booth for the day!”「ドレスはとても着心地が良くて,音楽を聴くのがやっとだった.」「私が考えていたのは,彼らがその日のブースが閉じる前に戻って,別のTee Skirt Dressを手に入れようとすることだけだった!」と彼女は言いました.
As a creative, it’s the best feeling in the world when someone genuinely appreciates and enjoys what I’ve created.クリエイティブな仕事をしている者として,自分が作ったものを心から評価してくれたり,楽しんでくれたりするのは,世界で一番嬉しいことです.
It inspires me to create more! And these dresses do fill a need. So at that point I was kinda hooked.創作意欲が湧いてくるわ!そして,このTee Skirt Dressニーズを満たしてくれます.だから,その時点でちょっとハマってしまいました.
With a background including retail, at that point I decided to seek patents. I wanted to be sure to do what I could to place my personal stamp on these.小売業などを経験していたこともあり,その時に特許を取ろうと思ったのです.これに自分のスタンプを押したいと思いました.
I always wanted to work in fashion, and I knew this was my chance.私はずっとファッションの仕事をしたいと思っていたので,これはチャンスだと思いました.
My chance to tell others. Never give up on your dreams.私がつかんだチャンスを他の人に伝えます.夢をあきらめてはいけません.
You never know how or when, but things may happen beyond your control (yep even an un-fun illness), and your opportunity to contribute will hopefully present itself.いつ,どのようにして起こるかはわかりませんが,自分のコントロールを超えたことが起こるかもしれません(不幸な病気であっても).